Waste & Recycling

Normal Pickup Schedule






Household Garbage

Yard trash east of the railroad tracks

Recycling every other Wednesday

Yard trash west of the railroad tracks

Bulk items and white goods pickup

Some adjustment may be required based on volume, for example if there is a lot of leaves out it may take more than one day to pick up yard trash in one area.  There is a charge to pickup bulk items except during the spring and fall clean ups.

Garbage Cart Location


The Fremont Ordinance states: “The roll-out containers shall be placed in the required location for collection no earlier than 5:00 p.m. on the day preceding the designated pickup day and shall be removed from the curbside location no later than 8:00 a.m. on the day following garbage collection. Except during these hours, the roll-out containers shall be kept in a location no closer to the street than the front line of the principal structure.”

This ordinance is to help keep the Town of Fremont looking good.  Please continue to take pride in your town and keep things looking nice by keeping garbage carts beside or behind your house.

If you have any question please call Town Hall at (919) 242-5151. Thank you for your help and understanding to make garbage collection as cost effective as possible.


Please use recycling as much as possible.  This saves the town money in landfill costs and will eventually save each resident money on their monthly garbage bill.  Putting recyclable items in the garbage is against the Town Ordinance.  Also, you can be fined up to $50 for putting recyclables in your household garbage.

Acceptable Items


#1 & #2 plastics

Aluminum & Tin Cans

Clear, brown, or green glass

Cardboard including cereal boxes

Non-Acceptable Items


Wax Paper

Aluminum Foil


Oil filters or Oil cans


Pizza or Soap boxes

Lids, tops, or caps

Any paper that is soiled

126 East Main Street
P.O. Box 4
Fremont, NC 27830
Phone: 919.242.5151
Fax: 919.242.7212
Email: jwilliams@fremontnc.gov

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